Adipose tissue is an example of effective conservation of fuel cell and ensures the survival and the ability to move in the absence of food. In fact, life expectancy in terms of hunger depends on the amount of adipose tissue in the body. The thin man dies after about 2 months of fasting, losing weight more than 35% (about 25 kg). At the same time, obese people who were subjected to fasting for over a year, had no significant adverse effects.
Obesity occurs when energy intake exceeds its cost over a long time. Very slight, but constant excess energy consumption leads to a pronounced accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. Thus, the use of only 5% "extra" calories may contribute to the accumulation of about 5 kg of fat per year. If within 30 years, consumption exceeds the cost of only 8 calories per day, it could lead to an increase in body weight of 10 kg. These figures reflect the average weight gain in 30 years (from 25 to 55 years) in adults.
Obesity - a chronic disease that has become a major health problem in most industrialized countries. It takes a truly alarming proportions because of the inevitable development of severe concomitant diseases, which are a direct causal link with overweight. In the United States, obesity is responsible for approximately 300,000 deaths per year. Russia, along with rapid economic development gains and the disease developed society, among whom obesity is not the last.
French physician Jacques Moron proved in their works ("How Obesity" and "The key to weight") that fat is located on the body is not random, but depending on the causes of the formation of fat. There are different types of fat of different origin, different placement and different symptoms, and each type of fat corresponds to a specific metabolic disorder.
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