On the metabolism of fat affects the ambient temperature, a fact we can use. Being exposed to extreme low temperatures, the body increases the level of energy, generating heat with unpaired protein (UCP). Being inside the membranes of mitochondria, UCP conducted through these anions (negatively charged particles), thereby creating a proton injection, which bypasses the energy utilization as ATP. This leads to energy loss as heat. Faced with such a thermogenic effect UCP reduces cellular ATP levels, creating a negative energy balance in the cells and causing them to produce more energy. In addition, a negative energy balance in cells promotes cellular cAMP and reduces insulin.
Practically you can benefit from the activity of unpaired proteins, exposing yourself to cold. An example will serve as a douche. It is recommended to alternate hot and cold stream, ending with cold. The peoples of Russia and some other parts of Europe have traditionally used the impact of cold on your own body for therapeutic purposes. Rubbing with snow or jump into the icy water has long been considered effective methods to improve blood circulation and enhance overall health. When applied to our subject short-term exposure to cold enhances the activity of unpaired proteins, increasing the degree of heat released by the body, but also accelerate the mobilization of fatty acids and, hence, faster burning fat.
Exerts its influence and climate. The inhabitants of hot regions are more likely and biologically predisposed to the consumption of plant foods - vegetables, fruits and grains. Besides, they are more insulin sensitization. Conversely, residents of northern regions consume more meat and fat tend to insulin resistance, providing a constant flow of fatty acids in the liver as fuel for heat. It is fashionable to represent the people of the North as a sort of standard of health. Unfortunately, it would be nice, they were not familiar to them in terms of existence, the Eskimos and their descendants begin to suffer from a number of diseases related to sugar and blood vessels, they should only go to a normal western diet.
The fact that people are genetically predisposed to living in cold climates, have a tendency to insulin resistance and accumulation of stable fatty deposits. It is reasonable to assume that the Eskimos, some Native Americans, and perhaps Hispanics (originating partly from the Indians, partly from the Spanish), require special nizkoglikemichnoy diet. But, more importantly, these people just need to be physically active, creating a state of high energy costs, for which their bodies are programmed to do. They are recommended for periodic malnutrition and constant training, including aerobic and anaerobic.
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