trešdiena, 2011. gada 30. marts


Particularly odious mono-diet, when it comes to "sit" on any one particular product, rice, buckwheat, coffee, chocolate, etc.

Poor body is experiencing koloscalny deficit on macro-and micronutrients, and vitamins, essential amino acids and fats. For all this you have to pay, and their own health. Organism such bullying is not very forgiving. Nature has not incorporated the fact that someone is yourself Artificial restrictions in some nutrients, especially important for life. And so she had no protection mechanisms (such as "foolproof"). As a result, the body perceives as a mono-diet fasting in a latent form. The answer to this is the involvement of all internal resources, whose dimensions are not infinite. People really lose weight. And in this case the word weight implies-muscle mass, water, fat, and even calcium from bones. And the result is "unhealthy thinness" with a bunch of internal pobochek and problems, instead of a healthy harmony and beauty. By the way, the beauty of the mono-diet suffers first.

Circles under the eyes, brittle nails, split ends, dry and loose skin - these are just a small list of associated mono-diet. But we have not mentioned the main problem arising during the rapid weight loss. This is an opportunity to get a heart attack and stroke due to deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, in which he (cholesterol) falls under avalanche decomposition of fat. After all, you did no one talks about the problem of the disposition of fissile fat, and she, in fact, is very important.

This is especially important when "zhirorazlagatelnyh" procedures such as mesotherapy, when the subcutaneous tissue under the influence of drugs dissolved and goes straight into the bloodstream. It turns out some sort liposuction Conversely, when the fat is excreted from the body, and entered into it.

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