Losing weight may be desirable to process only in the presence of excess body weight. If the weight was always within normal limits, and suddenly people for no reason, rhyme or reason began to lose weight, it is a serious reason to pay attention to their health.
Of course, losing weight may be due to completely natural causes, such as increased physical activity, large neuro-emotional stress, excessive dieting, unhealthy habits (especially smoking), or malnutrition. After elimination of these causes weight quickly returns to normal. If weight loss has no obvious cause and implemented rapidly, seek medical attention. The fact that weight loss is often a consequence of various diseases, including serious enough, early detection which increases the chances of successful treatment.
What kind of pathology can give rise to a decrease in body weight? One of the most probable reasons may be parasitic (ie, worms). Such diseases usually results in failure of the elementary rules of personal hygiene, eating enough organic vegetables and fruits. Predisposing factor is living in the countryside, work in animal husbandry farms, contact with animals, processing of agricultural land, which served as a pasture for large or small cattle.
Also very often lead to weight loss diseases of the digestive system. Go to this pathology include violation of the alimentary canal patency of the upper floors of the intestine (esophagus, stomach) that can be caused by inflammatory and degenerative processes in the walls of these organs, and in the surrounding tissues. Leads to a drastic slimming violation absorbability in the stomach and small intestine. These pathological processes can be observed in gastritis, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), hepatitis, duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum), as well as ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to a direct violation of the suction capacity of the stomach and duodenal ulcers, in these cases takes place, and malnutrition, because more often for diseases such meal is accompanied by a sensitive pain that completely discourages the desire to eat. In addition, the absorbability of the violation occurs in some autoimmune diseases, such as a complex disease like celiac disease where your own antibodies attack the villi of the small intestine (this does not always happen, but only by eating some of the proteins contained in cereals).
ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 31. marts
Weight loss - losing weight
Although all studies found patients were losing weight for no apparent reason, a large intentional weight loss is almost always speaks of a serious illness. Even if the original survey did not reveal any pathology, the patient should still regularly monitor and periodically repeat the survey, as many diseases that lead to weight loss may occur for a long time hidden.
The main reasons for weight loss - it is increasing energy costs, loss of nutrients in the feces or urine, and malnutrition. These reasons may be combined. The most common cause - is malnutrition due to loss of appetite, impaired patency of the esophagus or stomach disorders patency as a result of stricture, compression or germination of malignancy. Energy costs are rising at a thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma and significant physical exertion. Loss of nutrients is usually associated with glucosuria in diabetes mellitus or steatorrhea with malabsorption syndromes. The most common cause of steatorrhea - a chronic pancreatitis with alcoholism, in addition, malabsorption may accompany intestinal lymphoma, celiac disease, tumors of the islet cells (somatostatin, gastrin), radiation damage, biliary obstruction, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and many other diseases .
Weight loss in combination with the increased appetite often occurs in diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, and malabsorption syndromes. Leukemia, lymphoma and Hodgkin, too, sometimes accompanied by weight loss at normal or increased appetite.
Causes of weight loss in large prospective studies have not yet been studied, and five retrospective studies conducted since 1981 have included too few patients, so all their results tentative. The most likely diagnosis in young people - it's diabetes, hyperthyroidism, anorexia nervosa, and infectious diseases, especially HIV infection. Elderly significant weight loss is most often associated with malignant tumors, and in second place with a large backlog are mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease and depression.
The main reasons for weight loss - it is increasing energy costs, loss of nutrients in the feces or urine, and malnutrition. These reasons may be combined. The most common cause - is malnutrition due to loss of appetite, impaired patency of the esophagus or stomach disorders patency as a result of stricture, compression or germination of malignancy. Energy costs are rising at a thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma and significant physical exertion. Loss of nutrients is usually associated with glucosuria in diabetes mellitus or steatorrhea with malabsorption syndromes. The most common cause of steatorrhea - a chronic pancreatitis with alcoholism, in addition, malabsorption may accompany intestinal lymphoma, celiac disease, tumors of the islet cells (somatostatin, gastrin), radiation damage, biliary obstruction, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and many other diseases .
Weight loss in combination with the increased appetite often occurs in diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, and malabsorption syndromes. Leukemia, lymphoma and Hodgkin, too, sometimes accompanied by weight loss at normal or increased appetite.
Causes of weight loss in large prospective studies have not yet been studied, and five retrospective studies conducted since 1981 have included too few patients, so all their results tentative. The most likely diagnosis in young people - it's diabetes, hyperthyroidism, anorexia nervosa, and infectious diseases, especially HIV infection. Elderly significant weight loss is most often associated with malignant tumors, and in second place with a large backlog are mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease and depression.
As to diet, when everything they eat?
Do not avoid the society when you are on a diet! This creates aa sense of of deprivation ,destitution and can cause nervous breakdowns . Always sat at the table, you can select a dish that they eat everything, but that is not full of calories. You'll be there with everyone, without breaking the diet and not feeling alone in this.
If you are cooking for the whole family, use those recipes, which are useful for those who lose weight. Your family can always diversify food sauces, butter, spices, there are large portions in accordance with their physical or mental stress. The main thing - you eat it all together. You - like everyone else, but not in a special position. Recipes low calorie diet or a diet separate nutrition useful for your entire family.
If you are cooking for the whole family, use those recipes, which are useful for those who lose weight. Your family can always diversify food sauces, butter, spices, there are large portions in accordance with their physical or mental stress. The main thing - you eat it all together. You - like everyone else, but not in a special position. Recipes low calorie diet or a diet separate nutrition useful for your entire family.
Diet becomes effective only when you really observe it
Diet becomes effective only when you really observe it. Yes, you are offered a diet, but before you choose, think about which one is suitable for you. Diet produces a result - and this is minus 3-5 pounds a month - just in case you have analyzed how to eat before, what are your tastes and idiosyncrasies. Do not forget about the psychological factors: the diet should not be too strict. The less you deny yourself, the more you experience a feeling of comfort. But do not forget how much and what you eat! Think about how many calories you consume and what goes with what you eat, that is, do not overload if you have the same body parts or combinations of these, with the processing of which the body simply can not cope...
The key to weight loss
The key to weight loss lies in the ability to eat right - it's the first thing you should learn, instead of torturing yourself diets, tired of that, you are instantly gaining weight, because the same mistakes again.
The classic food - eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But we often violate this rule: do not want to eat in the morning, afternoon - no time, and we drink a cup of coffee on the go with a sandwich or chocolate. It turns out that we eat twice a day, and lunch - for two, or often just a snack - nothing is worse for your waist and think it is impossible! Big deal, ate nothing, but it turns out that the calories picked up two times greater than at dinner.
The classic food - eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But we often violate this rule: do not want to eat in the morning, afternoon - no time, and we drink a cup of coffee on the go with a sandwich or chocolate. It turns out that we eat twice a day, and lunch - for two, or often just a snack - nothing is worse for your waist and think it is impossible! Big deal, ate nothing, but it turns out that the calories picked up two times greater than at dinner.
How to lose weight quickly
About how fast to lose weight, will tell the first diet, which lasts 3-4 days. For breakfast you can afford a boiled egg and a cup of tea without sugar. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon - low-fat cottage cheese (150 gr.) And a glass of vegetable juice (Pumpkin, carrot, pumpkin and cucumber) or yogurt. Lunch menu - it is boiled fish (150 gr.) Or meat. Of fish allowed lean, hake and sole. Meat - rabbit, chicken and turkey. In addition to lunch you can eat salad vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice, salt, but can not be used. Dinner - a glass of herbal infusion. On the third day of the luncheon meat in a permitted substitute for strawberries or cherries (150 g)..
But this diet is suitable for people having strong and healthy stomach. Salt and sugar are excluded from the diet. Breakfast - a glass of water with 5yu drops of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey first. After 15 minutes you can drink tea or coffee. Lunch - Vegetables and boiled meat. Weight dinner should not be more than 500 grams. At dinner, used the cabbage broth - 200 gr. cabbage to boil in a small quantity of water 20 minutes, the cabbage itself to use not allowed. Before going to bed you can drink a glass of nonfat yogurt. Diet is very tough, but if you do not deviate from its rules, then 4 days you can lose 5 pounds.
But this diet is suitable for people having strong and healthy stomach. Salt and sugar are excluded from the diet. Breakfast - a glass of water with 5yu drops of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey first. After 15 minutes you can drink tea or coffee. Lunch - Vegetables and boiled meat. Weight dinner should not be more than 500 grams. At dinner, used the cabbage broth - 200 gr. cabbage to boil in a small quantity of water 20 minutes, the cabbage itself to use not allowed. Before going to bed you can drink a glass of nonfat yogurt. Diet is very tough, but if you do not deviate from its rules, then 4 days you can lose 5 pounds.
How fast to lose weight
How fast to lose weight? This question often arises before the fair sex of mankind, if soon to be an important event, and a few extra pounds will not fit into the selected outfit. But do not despair, even for a few days can significantly reduce the visible fat.
Often during the rapid weight loss does not diminish those places that I would like to see thinner. Instead, the legs decreases the chest and hips instead of your hands lose weight. The reason for this law meanness - stealth fat, which is much faster and easier to leave the place where he is the least dense. Precisely because of this the sudden weight loss in the first place fat leaves the person, then the chest, buttocks and the last thing the fat leaves the thighs and abdomen.
A quick way to lose weight - of course, diet. But this does not mean that you should starve. When fasting, you can lose up to 5 kilos in a week, however, together with the weight will take energy, courage, and every kind of activity and desire in the hunger strike - lie down and sleep. About the injury is not worth mentioning, lose weight by this method is not recommended to anyone.
Fast diet many options, below are listed just a few of them. Quickly lose weight 10 kg, they certainly did not help, but a little loss weight by their compliance to reset for a short time you can.
Often during the rapid weight loss does not diminish those places that I would like to see thinner. Instead, the legs decreases the chest and hips instead of your hands lose weight. The reason for this law meanness - stealth fat, which is much faster and easier to leave the place where he is the least dense. Precisely because of this the sudden weight loss in the first place fat leaves the person, then the chest, buttocks and the last thing the fat leaves the thighs and abdomen.
A quick way to lose weight - of course, diet. But this does not mean that you should starve. When fasting, you can lose up to 5 kilos in a week, however, together with the weight will take energy, courage, and every kind of activity and desire in the hunger strike - lie down and sleep. About the injury is not worth mentioning, lose weight by this method is not recommended to anyone.
Fast diet many options, below are listed just a few of them. Quickly lose weight 10 kg, they certainly did not help, but a little loss weight by their compliance to reset for a short time you can.

Always a sober assessment of his body and his ability, because the desire to proportions of the top model can not always be justified. It all depends on the individual characteristics of your body, as well as on the activity and fitness.
Typically, a set of extra pounds begins when there are changes in metabolism. This may be slowing down, weakening or faster metabolism ..
If you want to know how fast lose weight, you should be aware of the cause appeared overweight - it can be unhealthy diet, which includes the consumption of harmful products, heavy dinners and snacks in the evenings, it is zero physical activity, when there is absolutely no reasonable mobility. This is a wrong way of life, long night's sleep, or sleep during the day. In addition, the emergence of extra kilograms provoke stress, as a result of which we are starting to eat hard, find themselves, and, of course, the use of hormones also promotes the deposition of fat.
Unfortunately, when the fat man starts to search answers to the question "How to lose weight?", Then sooner or later considering options for weight reduction, which are positioned, promising a perfect result. Even if you can lose weight quickly with these methods, in addition to lightning diet you risk getting planted stomach, killed gut, exhaustion and many other diseases. Also, keep in mind that the faster you lose weight, the faster the weight comes back, taking with him a couple more kilogrammchikov. That's why all the fast weight loss programs generally have a short effect, and experts recommend a safe and gradual weight loss, which excludes the possibility of his re-recruitment and will not cause harm.
How to lose weight, without harming the health and not thinking about the return of the pounds? Of course, should be strict adherence to diet, and further control of a balanced diet. Be sure to increase your physical activity. It could be walking, dancing, and swimming, and yoga, and just morning exercise. You are not forced to engage in physical training day and night, but at least 30 minutes a day to give this issue - it will give even greater weight loss results. In addition, in the process of losing weight the skin will lose elasticity and your job - do not let her obvisnut. Use the set of physical exercises and massages. If you have bad habits - give up on them and change their lifestyles. If you are taking any hormones, then talk to your doctor about their replacement by other drugs that will not affect your weight.
trešdiena, 2011. gada 30. marts
The basis of the diet is "soup, fat-burning". There's this soup should be a daily basis - as often and as much as you want. More you eat, the more pounds will drop.
With exact a diet for a week you must reset from 4.5 to 8 kg. It is important that those products are recommended diet, you ate it in those days in which they should have. If within a week you have lost 7 kg or more, you need to take a break from a diet for 2 days. You can continue it at any time. Do not eat soup out of dieting!
Resort to a seven-day diet may be as often as you want. If you broke it, start again from day one.
In just seven days you will become easier, at least 4.5 kg, and probably all of 8 kg. You will feel a burst of energy and health. Follow the diet as long as you'll feel the positive changes in their physical and moral condition.
Fat burning soup recipe: 6 medium onions, some tomatoes (can be canned) 1 small head of cabbage, 2 green peppers, 1 bunch of celery, 2 cubes vegetable broth.
Cut vegetables into small or medium-sized pieces and cover with water. Season with salt, pepper and, if you like curry or chili sauce. Boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then take a small fire and continue to cook until vegetables are tender.
This soup can be eaten at any time when you are hungry. Eat it as much as you want. The soup will not add calories. Fill them in the morning thermos to take with you if the day you'll be away from home.
But we should not eat only this soup. Ration is necessary to supplement and other components.
The first day. Soup and fruit. You can eat any fruit except bananas. In melons and watermelons fewer calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. As a drink can use unsweetened tea or coffee (without milk), cranberry juice or water (water - as much as possible).
Second day. Soup and vegetables. Can eat all the vegetables, what you want (raw, fresh or canned). Admissible and leafy greens. Eat all the soup until filled. Stay away from dried beans, peas and corn.
During lunch on this day you can eat a baked potato with butter. Do not eat any fruit. Drink water.
Third day. Soup, fruit and vegetables. Eat soup and all the vegetables and fruits you like, excepting only the baked potato. Drink water. If you're really in for 3 days completely adhered to the diet, it could well lose this time 2,5-3 kg.
Day chetvertyy.Sup, fruits and vegetables, including bananas and skim milk. You can eat 3 bananas and drink as much water, how many turn out, along with the soup. Eat as much soup, fresh fruit and vegetables as you like, but only 3 bananas.
Fifth day. Beef and tomato soup. Can eat 300-800 grams of beef or a jar of canned tomatoes (or just fresh - as you want). At leahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifst once a day, eat the soup.
fat burning supDen sixth. Beef and vegetables (especially leafy), plus a soup. Beef and vegetables you may eat your fill. If you wish, you can eat 2 or 3 steaks and all green leafy vegetables, what you want, but no baked potato. Drink water.
Seventh day. Brown rice, fruit juice, vegetables and soup. Today you can have brown (neobdirny) rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. Rice can be added to the soup, but you can add vegetables to rice - sliced onions and tomatoes, cauliflower. Is not prohibited to cook vegetables with curry. Drink water.
By the end of the seventh day, if you comply strictly with the diet, you lose 4.5 to 8 kg.
With exact a diet for a week you must reset from 4.5 to 8 kg. It is important that those products are recommended diet, you ate it in those days in which they should have. If within a week you have lost 7 kg or more, you need to take a break from a diet for 2 days. You can continue it at any time. Do not eat soup out of dieting!
Resort to a seven-day diet may be as often as you want. If you broke it, start again from day one.
In just seven days you will become easier, at least 4.5 kg, and probably all of 8 kg. You will feel a burst of energy and health. Follow the diet as long as you'll feel the positive changes in their physical and moral condition.
Fat burning soup recipe: 6 medium onions, some tomatoes (can be canned) 1 small head of cabbage, 2 green peppers, 1 bunch of celery, 2 cubes vegetable broth.
Cut vegetables into small or medium-sized pieces and cover with water. Season with salt, pepper and, if you like curry or chili sauce. Boil over high heat for 10 minutes, then take a small fire and continue to cook until vegetables are tender.
This soup can be eaten at any time when you are hungry. Eat it as much as you want. The soup will not add calories. Fill them in the morning thermos to take with you if the day you'll be away from home.
But we should not eat only this soup. Ration is necessary to supplement and other components.
The first day. Soup and fruit. You can eat any fruit except bananas. In melons and watermelons fewer calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit. As a drink can use unsweetened tea or coffee (without milk), cranberry juice or water (water - as much as possible).
Second day. Soup and vegetables. Can eat all the vegetables, what you want (raw, fresh or canned). Admissible and leafy greens. Eat all the soup until filled. Stay away from dried beans, peas and corn.
During lunch on this day you can eat a baked potato with butter. Do not eat any fruit. Drink water.
Third day. Soup, fruit and vegetables. Eat soup and all the vegetables and fruits you like, excepting only the baked potato. Drink water. If you're really in for 3 days completely adhered to the diet, it could well lose this time 2,5-3 kg.
Day chetvertyy.Sup, fruits and vegetables, including bananas and skim milk. You can eat 3 bananas and drink as much water, how many turn out, along with the soup. Eat as much soup, fresh fruit and vegetables as you like, but only 3 bananas.
Fifth day. Beef and tomato soup. Can eat 300-800 grams of beef or a jar of canned tomatoes (or just fresh - as you want). At leahttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifst once a day, eat the soup.
fat burning supDen sixth. Beef and vegetables (especially leafy), plus a soup. Beef and vegetables you may eat your fill. If you wish, you can eat 2 or 3 steaks and all green leafy vegetables, what you want, but no baked potato. Drink water.
Seventh day. Brown rice, fruit juice, vegetables and soup. Today you can have brown (neobdirny) rice, unsweetened fruit juice and vegetables. Rice can be added to the soup, but you can add vegetables to rice - sliced onions and tomatoes, cauliflower. Is not prohibited to cook vegetables with curry. Drink water.
By the end of the seventh day, if you comply strictly with the diet, you lose 4.5 to 8 kg.
Weight loss lose weight
By the rigid diet for weight loss is enough to be cautious. The main objective sought by the proponents of strict diets - fast weight loss. Everyone wants to be slim and beautiful, and as soon as possible. However, to carry out this desire to stay healthy and the strength is not for everyone.
All these diets can achieve a fairly rapid weight loss. However, stay on this diet for many years is almost impossible. Man returns to normal diet and quickly restores the original weight. Then he sits back on a diet and lose weight. These "swing" weight fluctuations do not contribute to the preservation of health. In a healthy person weight should remain constant and, of course, normal.
If you want to reduce their body weight, it is best to seek such weight that you are able to retain and which feel good.
We present some of the harsh calorie diets, those that do not belong to the most severe and difficult to implement in da
All these diets can achieve a fairly rapid weight loss. However, stay on this diet for many years is almost impossible. Man returns to normal diet and quickly restores the original weight. Then he sits back on a diet and lose weight. These "swing" weight fluctuations do not contribute to the preservation of health. In a healthy person weight should remain constant and, of course, normal.
If you want to reduce their body weight, it is best to seek such weight that you are able to retain and which feel good.
We present some of the harsh calorie diets, those that do not belong to the most severe and difficult to implement in da
Tuc tuc
Bakery products. Allowed to rye and wheat bread meal, wheat protein and protein-bran bread - 100-150 grams per day. Prohibited items from the flour of higher and 1 st grades, products of butter and pastry.
Soups. To 250-300 g per reception. From different vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or grits: soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot. 2-3 times per week on a low fat-free soups, meat or fish broth with vegetables and meatballs. Dairy prohibited. Potatoes, cereals, beans, pasta.
Meat and poultry. Up to 150 grams per day. Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, restriction - lean pork and lamb, preferably boiled, steamed, baked with large and small chunks. Meat fried after boiling. Jellied beef. Prohibited fatty meat, goose, duck, ham, sausage, cooked and smoked sausage, canned food.
Fish. Low-fat types to 150-200 grams per day. Boiled, baked, fried. Non-fish seafood. Prohibited types of fatty, salty, smoked, canned in oil, eggs. Dairy products. Milk and dairy drinks low fat. Sour cream - in dishes. Nonfat cottage cheese, and 9% strength fat (100-200 g / day) - a natural and as cheese cakes, puddings. Low-fat varieties of cheese - is limited. Prohibited from fat cottage cheese, sweet cheese, sweet yogurt, fermented baked, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses.
Eggs. 2.1 pieces per day. Hard-boiled, omelettes protein. Omelets with vegetables. Eggs is prohibited. Cereals. Limited to add to vegetable soups. Friable porridge made of buckwheat, barley, barley groats due to the decrease of grain. Prohibited other cereals, especially rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, beans.
Vegetables. Use in all forms, part of the necessarily crude. Preferably all kinds of cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, turnips. Sauerkraut - after washing. Restrict the dish of potatoes, beets, peas, carrots, rutabaga (a total of 200 grams a day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables. Snacks. Salads of raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, salads, vegetables with boiled meat and fish and seafood. Jelly fish or meat. Low-fat ham. Prohibited fatty and savory snacks.
Fruits, desserts, sweets. Fruits and berries, sweet-sour grades, raw and cooked. Gels and mousses in methylcellulose, xylitol, sorbitol. Unsweetened fruit drinks. Prohibited from grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, jelly, ice cream.
Sauces and spices. Tomato, red, white, with vegetables, mushroom weak vinegar. Prohibited fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, all the spices. Drinks. Tea, black coffee with milk. Unsweetened juices. Prohibited and other sweet grape juice, cocoa. Fats. Butter (limited) and vegetable oils - in dishes. Prohibited animals, and cooking fats.
Soups. To 250-300 g per reception. From different vegetables with a small addition of potatoes or grits: soup, borscht, okroshka, beetroot. 2-3 times per week on a low fat-free soups, meat or fish broth with vegetables and meatballs. Dairy prohibited. Potatoes, cereals, beans, pasta.
Meat and poultry. Up to 150 grams per day. Lean beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, turkey, restriction - lean pork and lamb, preferably boiled, steamed, baked with large and small chunks. Meat fried after boiling. Jellied beef. Prohibited fatty meat, goose, duck, ham, sausage, cooked and smoked sausage, canned food.
Fish. Low-fat types to 150-200 grams per day. Boiled, baked, fried. Non-fish seafood. Prohibited types of fatty, salty, smoked, canned in oil, eggs. Dairy products. Milk and dairy drinks low fat. Sour cream - in dishes. Nonfat cottage cheese, and 9% strength fat (100-200 g / day) - a natural and as cheese cakes, puddings. Low-fat varieties of cheese - is limited. Prohibited from fat cottage cheese, sweet cheese, sweet yogurt, fermented baked, baked milk, fatty and salty cheeses.
Eggs. 2.1 pieces per day. Hard-boiled, omelettes protein. Omelets with vegetables. Eggs is prohibited. Cereals. Limited to add to vegetable soups. Friable porridge made of buckwheat, barley, barley groats due to the decrease of grain. Prohibited other cereals, especially rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, beans.
Vegetables. Use in all forms, part of the necessarily crude. Preferably all kinds of cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, squash, pumpkins, tomatoes, turnips. Sauerkraut - after washing. Restrict the dish of potatoes, beets, peas, carrots, rutabaga (a total of 200 grams a day), as well as salted and pickled vegetables. Snacks. Salads of raw and pickled vegetables, vinaigrettes, salads, vegetables with boiled meat and fish and seafood. Jelly fish or meat. Low-fat ham. Prohibited fatty and savory snacks.
Fruits, desserts, sweets. Fruits and berries, sweet-sour grades, raw and cooked. Gels and mousses in methylcellulose, xylitol, sorbitol. Unsweetened fruit drinks. Prohibited from grapes, raisins, bananas, figs, dates, very sweet varieties of other fruits, sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, jelly, ice cream.
Sauces and spices. Tomato, red, white, with vegetables, mushroom weak vinegar. Prohibited fatty and spicy sauces, mayonnaise, all the spices. Drinks. Tea, black coffee with milk. Unsweetened juices. Prohibited and other sweet grape juice, cocoa. Fats. Butter (limited) and vegetable oils - in dishes. Prohibited animals, and cooking fats.
Particularly odious mono-diet, when it comes to "sit" on any one particular product, rice, buckwheat, coffee, chocolate, etc.
Poor body is experiencing koloscalny deficit on macro-and micronutrients, and vitamins, essential amino acids and fats. For all this you have to pay, and their own health. Organism such bullying is not very forgiving. Nature has not incorporated the fact that someone is yourself Artificial restrictions in some nutrients, especially important for life. And so she had no protection mechanisms (such as "foolproof"). As a result, the body perceives as a mono-diet fasting in a latent form. The answer to this is the involvement of all internal resources, whose dimensions are not infinite. People really lose weight. And in this case the word weight implies-muscle mass, water, fat, and even calcium from bones. And the result is "unhealthy thinness" with a bunch of internal pobochek and problems, instead of a healthy harmony and beauty. By the way, the beauty of the mono-diet suffers first.
Circles under the eyes, brittle nails, split ends, dry and loose skin - these are just a small list of associated mono-diet. But we have not mentioned the main problem arising during the rapid weight loss. This is an opportunity to get a heart attack and stroke due to deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, in which he (cholesterol) falls under avalanche decomposition of fat. After all, you did no one talks about the problem of the disposition of fissile fat, and she, in fact, is very important.
This is especially important when "zhirorazlagatelnyh" procedures such as mesotherapy, when the subcutaneous tissue under the influence of drugs dissolved and goes straight into the bloodstream. It turns out some sort liposuction Conversely, when the fat is excreted from the body, and entered into it.
Poor body is experiencing koloscalny deficit on macro-and micronutrients, and vitamins, essential amino acids and fats. For all this you have to pay, and their own health. Organism such bullying is not very forgiving. Nature has not incorporated the fact that someone is yourself Artificial restrictions in some nutrients, especially important for life. And so she had no protection mechanisms (such as "foolproof"). As a result, the body perceives as a mono-diet fasting in a latent form. The answer to this is the involvement of all internal resources, whose dimensions are not infinite. People really lose weight. And in this case the word weight implies-muscle mass, water, fat, and even calcium from bones. And the result is "unhealthy thinness" with a bunch of internal pobochek and problems, instead of a healthy harmony and beauty. By the way, the beauty of the mono-diet suffers first.
Circles under the eyes, brittle nails, split ends, dry and loose skin - these are just a small list of associated mono-diet. But we have not mentioned the main problem arising during the rapid weight loss. This is an opportunity to get a heart attack and stroke due to deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels, in which he (cholesterol) falls under avalanche decomposition of fat. After all, you did no one talks about the problem of the disposition of fissile fat, and she, in fact, is very important.
This is especially important when "zhirorazlagatelnyh" procedures such as mesotherapy, when the subcutaneous tissue under the influence of drugs dissolved and goes straight into the bloodstream. It turns out some sort liposuction Conversely, when the fat is excreted from the body, and entered into it.
Proper diet
Proper diet is one that can hold all of life is maintained H. Shelton. We absolutely agree with him. And now the question. Can I stick all my life, "Kremlevka? The answer is obvious, "unlikely".
Unless you are going to move to permanent residence in the Chukchi. They are all my life sitting on the "malouglevodke. But for them it's a normal diet for thousands of years, their body has adapted to this diet. Besides, the Chukchi heap of secrets. " All summer, they gather wild plants, the main supplier of much needed for the body tissue. Drink a lot of teas from herbs that stimulates the removal from the body of ketones (harmful degradation products of fats and proteins).
And most importantly, consume raw meat and fish (steak), which provides the body with essential vitamins. Do followers of the "Kremlevka" know all the secrets of the Chukchi? Therefore, the restructuring of the energy balance of the reserve fat (instead of carbohydrate), the path of energy consumption thing is quite difficult and requires special knowledge. Invented by journalists "Kremlevka" - is not the secret weapon of the Kremlin's inhabitants, but only harmful to the body's diet with lots of various pobochek including hormonal failure (not such a rare phenomenon in this case). In the arsenal of bodybuilders is protein-fat diet, but it's nothing to do with "Kremlevka" no. It is imputed, deliberate and short term.
Results and a low body fat with minimal loss of lean muscle. Specifically how we will respond to her conduct in other sections of the magazine. But it is not a panacea and is only used within a lifelong diet, which is called the right adequate nutrition.
Unless you are going to move to permanent residence in the Chukchi. They are all my life sitting on the "malouglevodke. But for them it's a normal diet for thousands of years, their body has adapted to this diet. Besides, the Chukchi heap of secrets. " All summer, they gather wild plants, the main supplier of much needed for the body tissue. Drink a lot of teas from herbs that stimulates the removal from the body of ketones (harmful degradation products of fats and proteins).
And most importantly, consume raw meat and fish (steak), which provides the body with essential vitamins. Do followers of the "Kremlevka" know all the secrets of the Chukchi? Therefore, the restructuring of the energy balance of the reserve fat (instead of carbohydrate), the path of energy consumption thing is quite difficult and requires special knowledge. Invented by journalists "Kremlevka" - is not the secret weapon of the Kremlin's inhabitants, but only harmful to the body's diet with lots of various pobochek including hormonal failure (not such a rare phenomenon in this case). In the arsenal of bodybuilders is protein-fat diet, but it's nothing to do with "Kremlevka" no. It is imputed, deliberate and short term.
Results and a low body fat with minimal loss of lean muscle. Specifically how we will respond to her conduct in other sections of the magazine. But it is not a panacea and is only used within a lifelong diet, which is called the right adequate nutrition.
otrdiena, 2011. gada 29. marts
Adipose tissue is an example of effective conservation of fuel cell and ensures the survival and the ability to move in the absence of food. In fact, life expectancy in terms of hunger depends on the amount of adipose tissue in the body. The thin man dies after about 2 months of fasting, losing weight more than 35% (about 25 kg). At the same time, obese people who were subjected to fasting for over a year, had no significant adverse effects.
Obesity occurs when energy intake exceeds its cost over a long time. Very slight, but constant excess energy consumption leads to a pronounced accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. Thus, the use of only 5% "extra" calories may contribute to the accumulation of about 5 kg of fat per year. If within 30 years, consumption exceeds the cost of only 8 calories per day, it could lead to an increase in body weight of 10 kg. These figures reflect the average weight gain in 30 years (from 25 to 55 years) in adults.
Obesity - a chronic disease that has become a major health problem in most industrialized countries. It takes a truly alarming proportions because of the inevitable development of severe concomitant diseases, which are a direct causal link with overweight. In the United States, obesity is responsible for approximately 300,000 deaths per year. Russia, along with rapid economic development gains and the disease developed society, among whom obesity is not the last.
French physician Jacques Moron proved in their works ("How Obesity" and "The key to weight") that fat is located on the body is not random, but depending on the causes of the formation of fat. There are different types of fat of different origin, different placement and different symptoms, and each type of fat corresponds to a specific metabolic disorder.
Obesity occurs when energy intake exceeds its cost over a long time. Very slight, but constant excess energy consumption leads to a pronounced accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. Thus, the use of only 5% "extra" calories may contribute to the accumulation of about 5 kg of fat per year. If within 30 years, consumption exceeds the cost of only 8 calories per day, it could lead to an increase in body weight of 10 kg. These figures reflect the average weight gain in 30 years (from 25 to 55 years) in adults.
Obesity - a chronic disease that has become a major health problem in most industrialized countries. It takes a truly alarming proportions because of the inevitable development of severe concomitant diseases, which are a direct causal link with overweight. In the United States, obesity is responsible for approximately 300,000 deaths per year. Russia, along with rapid economic development gains and the disease developed society, among whom obesity is not the last.
French physician Jacques Moron proved in their works ("How Obesity" and "The key to weight") that fat is located on the body is not random, but depending on the causes of the formation of fat. There are different types of fat of different origin, different placement and different symptoms, and each type of fat corresponds to a specific metabolic disorder.
The whole world is puzzled by questions of excess weight. Beauty, aesthetics, convenience ... in the press as fungi reproduce articles on various methods of fat burning, the miraculous disappearance of the stomach with the help of some cucumber diet or getting rid of cellulite full eighty housewives. Some fat people are trying to fix a figure: read the relevant literature, watching educational programs, refer to the so-called "experts". And what they get in the end? Sets unfounded myths, loyal only to one side, but ruining the organism to another. It is not surprising that such amateurish "treatment" leads, at best, only a short-term results.
People are stuffed with myths and outdated information, whether through ignorance, or specifically (for commercial purposes). In advertising we can show the aunt with a huge hanging belly, which (oh, miracle!) Will disappear after a few hours spent in her latest mini-sauna. Tips dietitians and fitness trainers are standard: eat less and move more. Fans complicate the offer is not simply to follow these recommendations, and invent the most complicated meal plan and abstruse training program with one-second routine of action ... "And this is exactly going to work?" - Cautiously interested in the complexity of the frightened fat men. And in response to receiving: "It all depends on your own ...
Let's look at the fingers of some of the most common myths about weight loss.
People are stuffed with myths and outdated information, whether through ignorance, or specifically (for commercial purposes). In advertising we can show the aunt with a huge hanging belly, which (oh, miracle!) Will disappear after a few hours spent in her latest mini-sauna. Tips dietitians and fitness trainers are standard: eat less and move more. Fans complicate the offer is not simply to follow these recommendations, and invent the most complicated meal plan and abstruse training program with one-second routine of action ... "And this is exactly going to work?" - Cautiously interested in the complexity of the frightened fat men. And in response to receiving: "It all depends on your own ...
Let's look at the fingers of some of the most common myths about weight loss.
Temperature and fat burning
On the metabolism of fat affects the ambient temperature, a fact we can use. Being exposed to extreme low temperatures, the body increases the level of energy, generating heat with unpaired protein (UCP). Being inside the membranes of mitochondria, UCP conducted through these anions (negatively charged particles), thereby creating a proton injection, which bypasses the energy utilization as ATP. This leads to energy loss as heat. Faced with such a thermogenic effect UCP reduces cellular ATP levels, creating a negative energy balance in the cells and causing them to produce more energy. In addition, a negative energy balance in cells promotes cellular cAMP and reduces insulin.
Practically you can benefit from the activity of unpaired proteins, exposing yourself to cold. An example will serve as a douche. It is recommended to alternate hot and cold stream, ending with cold. The peoples of Russia and some other parts of Europe have traditionally used the impact of cold on your own body for therapeutic purposes. Rubbing with snow or jump into the icy water has long been considered effective methods to improve blood circulation and enhance overall health. When applied to our subject short-term exposure to cold enhances the activity of unpaired proteins, increasing the degree of heat released by the body, but also accelerate the mobilization of fatty acids and, hence, faster burning fat.
Exerts its influence and climate. The inhabitants of hot regions are more likely and biologically predisposed to the consumption of plant foods - vegetables, fruits and grains. Besides, they are more insulin sensitization. Conversely, residents of northern regions consume more meat and fat tend to insulin resistance, providing a constant flow of fatty acids in the liver as fuel for heat. It is fashionable to represent the people of the North as a sort of standard of health. Unfortunately, it would be nice, they were not familiar to them in terms of existence, the Eskimos and their descendants begin to suffer from a number of diseases related to sugar and blood vessels, they should only go to a normal western diet.
The fact that people are genetically predisposed to living in cold climates, have a tendency to insulin resistance and accumulation of stable fatty deposits. It is reasonable to assume that the Eskimos, some Native Americans, and perhaps Hispanics (originating partly from the Indians, partly from the Spanish), require special nizkoglikemichnoy diet. But, more importantly, these people just need to be physically active, creating a state of high energy costs, for which their bodies are programmed to do. They are recommended for periodic malnutrition and constant training, including aerobic and anaerobic.
Practically you can benefit from the activity of unpaired proteins, exposing yourself to cold. An example will serve as a douche. It is recommended to alternate hot and cold stream, ending with cold. The peoples of Russia and some other parts of Europe have traditionally used the impact of cold on your own body for therapeutic purposes. Rubbing with snow or jump into the icy water has long been considered effective methods to improve blood circulation and enhance overall health. When applied to our subject short-term exposure to cold enhances the activity of unpaired proteins, increasing the degree of heat released by the body, but also accelerate the mobilization of fatty acids and, hence, faster burning fat.
Exerts its influence and climate. The inhabitants of hot regions are more likely and biologically predisposed to the consumption of plant foods - vegetables, fruits and grains. Besides, they are more insulin sensitization. Conversely, residents of northern regions consume more meat and fat tend to insulin resistance, providing a constant flow of fatty acids in the liver as fuel for heat. It is fashionable to represent the people of the North as a sort of standard of health. Unfortunately, it would be nice, they were not familiar to them in terms of existence, the Eskimos and their descendants begin to suffer from a number of diseases related to sugar and blood vessels, they should only go to a normal western diet.
The fact that people are genetically predisposed to living in cold climates, have a tendency to insulin resistance and accumulation of stable fatty deposits. It is reasonable to assume that the Eskimos, some Native Americans, and perhaps Hispanics (originating partly from the Indians, partly from the Spanish), require special nizkoglikemichnoy diet. But, more importantly, these people just need to be physically active, creating a state of high energy costs, for which their bodies are programmed to do. They are recommended for periodic malnutrition and constant training, including aerobic and anaerobic.
Ziņas (Atom)